CHNC - National Nurses CHNC - National Nurses

2024 Core Competencies for Public Health in Canada: Sessions Jan 31 (Eng) and Fev 2 ( Francais)
Published on Monday, 29 January, 2024

The Public Health Agency of Canada has commissioned the National Collaborating Centres for Public Health to engage with the Canadian public health community in order to update the 2008 Core Competencies for Public Health in Canada


Why is this project important? 

The Core Competencies for Public Health in Canada have been used:  

  • As a framework for public health workforce development, collaboration, planning and action.
  • To inform public health education and training (e.g., graduate public health programs, certification) and continuing professional development.
  • As a human resources tool for recruitment, orientation, position descriptions, performance evaluation and retention. 
  • As a foundation for discipline-specific competencies.   


Invitation to participate – Share your ideas and perspectives!  

The National Collaborating Centres for Public Health are committed to seeking input from a broad and diverse range of perspectives that make up the public health community in Canada. Core competencies reflect the essential knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for effective public health practice.


Have a say in shaping the 2024 Core Competencies for Public Health in Canada. Your ideas and perspectives are critical. 


If you haven’t been able to participate in the engagement process yet, now is your chance! Engagement sessions are being offered on the following dates.

English Session: January 31, 2024 | 2:00 – 3:30 pm ET | Register Here

French Session:  February 2, 2024 | 1 – 2:30 pm ET | Register Here


For more information about this project visit: 


If you have any questions, comments, feedback, or ideas about this project, you can contact the project team at  



Chers collègues, 


L’Agence de la santé publique du Canada a mandaté les Centres de collaboration nationale en santé publique (CCNSP) pour travailler avec le milieu de la santé publique du Canada à la mise à jour des énoncés de compétences essentielles en santé publique au Canada qui remontent à 2008. 


Pourquoi le projet est-il important? 

Soulignons que les énoncés de compétences essentielles en santé publique servent : 

  • De cadre de référence en matière de perfectionnement professionnel, de collaboration, de planification et d’action en ce qui a trait à la main-d’œuvre en santé publique. 
  • De fil conducteur pour l’enseignement et la formation (p. ex., programmes d’études supérieures et reconnaissance professionnelle en santé publique) et la formation continue en santé publique. 
  • D’outil de recrutement, d’orientation, de description de poste, d’évaluation du rendement et de rétention du personnel. 
  • De fondement aux compétences spécifiques à certaines disciplines. 


Invitation à participer – Faites connaître votre opinion et vos idées! 

Les CCNSP se sont engagés à obtenir des perspectives aussi diverses que nombreuses du milieu de la santé publique au Canada. Les compétences essentielles réfèrent aux connaissances, aux habiletés et aux attitudes à maîtriser pour assurer des pratiques efficaces en santé publique.

Ayez votre mot à dire concernant la mise à jour 2024 des énoncés de compétences essentielles en santé publique au Canada. Vos idées et votre opinion comptent énormément! 

En français : 2 février 2024 | 13 h – 14 h 30 HE | Vous inscrire ici


En anglais : 31 janvier 2024 | 14 h – 15 h 30 HE | Vous inscrire ici



Pour en savoir plus au sujet du projet, rendez-vous au


Communiquez avec l’équipe de projet au si vous avez des questions, des commentaires ou des idées au sujet du projet. 

New! Powerpoint Presentations about the standards are now available on the CHNC Website
Published on Friday, 26 January, 2024

Powerpoint presentations about the Standards are now available on the CHNC website.

CHNC Standards – FPN Focus

CHNC Standards – HHN Focus

CHNC Standards – PHN Focus

CHNC Standards – Educator Version

CHNC Standards – en français

Click HERE to review the CHNC Standard PowerPoint presentations. Once you have accessed the site, choose which Standard you wish to review and it will download for you to view.

An Introduction to Decent Work as a Social Determinant of Health January 31 12-1 EST
Published on Tuesday, 23 January, 2024

Upcoming Webinar: An Introduction to Decent Work as a Social Determinant of Health 

January 31, 2024 | 12 – 1 pm ET | English 

Work is a powerful condition of everyday life that can harm or promote the health of workers and their families. Employment conditions and working conditions are two interrelated social determinants of health. Workers who experience structural oppression are disproportionately exposed to the precarious employment and hazardous working conditions that are harmful for physical and mental health. As a rising source of health inequities, precarious employment is a key area for public health action. 

Join the NCCDH for this foundational webinar, where the team will introduce core concepts and practical examples to support the public health field to understand and respond to employment and working conditions as key determinants of health and health equity across Canada. 

Register here: 


Updating the Home Health Nursing Competencies CHNC Information Session
Published on Thursday, 18 January, 2024

Dear CHNC Members, 
You are all invited to attend a virtual information session about revising the 2010 Home Health Nursing (HHN) Competencies. There are two different dates for these info sessions (both dates will cover the same information):

January 18, 2024 from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. EST. To register, click here


January 24, 2023 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. EST. To register, click here

Please see the poster for more information. 
We hope you can attend and look forward to 'seeing' you there!
Community Health Nurses of Canada 

Abstract deadline extended! Community Health Nursing - Health for All
Published on Friday, 17 November, 2023

Don’t miss your chance to submit: Abstract deadline extended until December 1, 2023!

The Community Health Nurses of Canada are excited to announce the Call for Abstracts for CHNC2024: Community Health Nursing - Health for All, our national Community Health Nursing conference. 

CHNC2024 takes place April 22-24, 2024 at historic Hart House at University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 

Our goal is advancing Community Health Nursing in Canada and you are invited to join a dynamic group of nurses from across Canada who will come together and share their community health knowledge.

Creating opportunities for health equity is foundational to community health nursing. Over the past few years the challenges faced by many in society for acceptance and access to services have been exacerbated. But through application of the Community Health Nursing Standards of Practice, community health nurses have risen to the challenge and modified existing programs or have developed new and innovative approaches to reach out to those who could benefit from their services.

Our conferences bring together individuals who have an interest in Community Health Nursing from practice, research, administration, policy and education. Networking opportunities offer a forum to explore issues of mutual concern as well as exchange knowledge, share evidence and ideas, and generate solutions. 

Abstracts are due by December 1, 2023Submit Your Abstract!

For more information, including information about discounted rooms at the Doubletree by Hilton Toronto Downtown, please the conference website.

We look forward to seeing you in Toronto!

Great Big News - Fall 2023
Published on Tuesday, 7 November, 2023

Great Big News - Fall 2023 is hot off the press!

Included in this edition is a message from our new President, Karen Curry, a chance to meet some of our board members, a member feature, information and links for the Public Health Core Competency virtual engagement sessions, webinar information, CHNC Conference 2024 and much more!
Click the link below to access GBN today!

Les IISCC organisent une réunion participative en mode virtuel afin de recueillir les opinions et les commentaires relativement
Published on Thursday, 2 November, 2023

Le présent courriel d’Infirmières et Infirmiers en santé communautaire du Canada (IISCC) vise à vous annoncer une grande nouvelle pour le milieu de la santé publique au pays. L’Agence de la santé publique du Canada a mandaté les Centres de collaboration nationale en santé publique (CCNSP) pour travailler avec le milieu de la santé publique du Canada à la mise à jour des énoncés de compétences essentielles en santé publique au Canada qui remontent à 2008.

Pourquoi le projet est-il important?

Soulignons que les énoncés de compétences essentielles en santé publique servent :

·         De cadre de référence en matière de perfectionnement professionnel, de collaboration, de planification et d’action en ce qui a trait à la main-d’œuvre en santé publique.

·         De fil conducteur pour l’enseignement et la formation (p. ex., programmes d’études supérieures et reconnaissance professionnelle en santé publique) et la formation continue en santé publique.

·         D’outil de recrutement, d’orientation, de description de poste, d’évaluation du rendement et de rétention du personnel.

·         De fondement aux compétences spécifiques à certaines disciplines.


Invitation à participer – Faites connaître votre opinion et vos idées!

Les CCNSP se sont engagés à obtenir des perspectives aussi diverses que nombreuses du milieu de la santé publique au Canada. L’équipe de projet échangera et collaborera avec les principaux partenaires de la santé publique au pays afin d’élaborer des énoncés de compétences essentielles adaptés aux besoins et aux priorités d’aujourd’hui en santé publique.

Les IISCC organisent une réunion participative en mode virtuel afin de recueillir les opinions et les commentaires relativement aux compétences essentielles. Inscrivez-vous pour connaître les dernières nouvelles au sujet du projet et donner votre avis sur les thèmes transversaux, les catégories et ainsi de suite.

Les compétences essentielles réfèrent aux connaissances, aux habiletés et aux attitudes à maîtriser pour assurer des pratiques efficaces en santé publique. Ayez votre mot à dire concernant la mise à jour 2024 des énoncés de compétences essentielles en santé publique au Canada. Vos idées et votre opinion comptent énormément!

Inscrivez-vous ici : 8 Novembre 2023    15 Novembre 2023

Pour en savoir plus au sujet du projet, rendez-vous au

N’hésitez pas à transmettre l’invitation à vos collègues, à vos partenaires de la santé publique et aux membres de vos réseaux.


Communiquez avec l’équipe de projet au si vous avez des questions, des commentaires ou des idées au sujet du projet.

Upcoming Webinar
Published on Friday, 29 September, 2023

The final webinar in the Vaccines across the Lifespan series is scheduled for October 25th, 2023 at 12 pm (ET)
RSV Burden of Disease in Infants: The use of Nirsevimab as a Prevention Strategy
Presenter: Erin Fleischer NP
Register using the link below!

Upcoming Webinar Series
Published on Tuesday, 12 September, 2023

CHNC is pleased to announce our next 2 webinars for September and October, which are parts 2 and

3 of the Vaccines Across the Lifespan Webinar Series. 


There is no charge to attend the webinars, and all are welcome to join! Please feel free to share this webinar information widely.


Part 2: Title of Webinar:

Getting Ready for Fall and Respiratory Infections: What do I Need to Know Now?


Date: Thursday, Sept 21, 2023

Time: 12-1 pm ET (9-10 am PT; 10-11 am MT; 11 am - 12 pm CT; 1-2 pm AT)


To register for this webinar, click here 


Learning objectives for this webinar:


1.      Review the epidemiology of the common respiratory pathogens in adults: Covid-19, RSV, Pneumococcal, Influenza

2.      Understand the risk factors and co morbidities that increase risk

3.      Discuss the current NACI guidelines

4.      Appreciate immunization strategies for this population.


Presenter Bio:

Dr. Vivien Brown is a family physician and author in Toronto. Educated at McGill University, she currently is appointed to the Department of Family & Community Medicine at the University of Toronto, holding the rank of Assistant Professor. An award winner for teaching on many levels, her major interests are in the area of health promotion and prevention for women, and continuing medical education, Adult Immunization and Vaccine Preventable Illness. The College of Family Physicians of Ontario named Dr Brown "Physician of the Year for the Region of Toronto”, awarded November 2012. Canada. She is the Past President of the Federation of Medical Women of Canada and is immediate past Vice President for North America for the Medical Women’s International Association. Recently she was named one of Canada’s most influential women by the organization Women of Influence, for her work on advocacy on HPV vaccine for Canadians. In March 2017, she was honored to present HPV initiatives in Canada at the UN meetings for the Commission on the Status of Women. In 2018 she was honored with the Media Award from the North American Menopause Society for her work in Women’s Health. She also received the May Cohen Award from the Federation of Medical Women of Canada for her work in Women’s Health. Her most recent book, "The New Woman’s Guide to Healthy Aging” was recently published to rave reviews.


Part 3: Title of Webinar:

RSV Burden of Disease in Infants: The use of Nirsevimab as a Prevention Strategy.


Date: Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Time: 12-1 pm ET (9-10 am PT; 10-11 am MT; 11 am - 12 pm CT; 1-2 pm AT)


To register for this webinar, click here 


Learning objectives for this webinar:


1.      Understand the burden of RSV disease in all infants by reviewing the epidemiology and clinical factors for infection.

2.      Review current and emerging RSV preventative strategies, with a focus on passive immunization with Nirsevimab.

3.      Discuss the role and impact that nursing professionals can have on the management and prevention of RSV in infants.



Erin Fleischer is a Paediatric Nurse Practitioner at the Children’s Hospital, London Health Sciences Centre. She completed her Bachelor of Science in Nursing with University of Victoria and went on to complete her Master of Nursing and Acute Care Nurse Practitioner certificate with the University of Toronto in 2009. Erin has been the Nurse Practitioner for the Paediatric Respirology division since 2011 where she built and runs the centralized RSV prophylaxis clinic. Her other areas of clinical interest are, childhood asthma, for which she is a certified asthma educator, and paediatric cystic fibrosis. Erin is active in research and participated in the CARESS registry, a Canadian database which followed infants receiving RSV prophylaxis.

These webinars have been generously supported by an unrestricted educational grant from:


Register for upcoming webinar with Dr. Claire Betker!
Published on Friday, 26 May, 2023

Continuing on with the 2023-2024 CHNC Professional Development Webinar Series, we are pleased to announce the next session. Dr. Claire Betker will speak to us about System transformation: Positive disruption to address the structural and social determinants of health and advance health equity
Date: Thursday, June 15, 2023
Time: 12-1 am EST (9-10 am PT; 10-11 am MT; 11 am - 12 pm CT; 1-2 pm AT)

--> Register here! <--
Share the Poster!

Learning Objectives:
  1. Discuss how health inequities exposed during the pandemic contributed to poor population health outcomes and moral distress in CHNs
  2. Discuss system transformation and opportunities for positive disruption
  3. Explore the distribution of power and its influence on system transformation
  4. Learn approaches, levers and strategies to influence systems to advance health equity
  5. Identify community organizations and partners to work with in system transformation.
Speaker Bio: 
Claire is an RN and the Scientific Director of the National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health (NCCDH). Claire was previously the Executive Director of the Population and Public Health Branch within the Department of Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living. Her career has included roles in rural and urban public health, home health, primary health care, regional health authority and the Public Health Agency of Canada. Claire is a past president of the CNA and of the CHNC. Her Ph.D. work focused on the capacity of public health leadership to advance health equity. Claire brings a wealth of expertise, rich networks and a passion for translating knowledge and evidence,  specially to position public health to advance health equity. 
Webinar is free to attend. Please share across your networks.
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