CHNC - National Nurses CHNC - National Nurses

CHNC & CHNIG Free Live Yoga Event
Published on Thursday, 5 May, 2022

Dear CHNC members,

You are invited to nursing week celebration CHNC & CHNIG Free Live Yoga Event on May 11th, 2022 at 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM EST.

Are part of nursing week celebrations, we want to say thank you to community health nurses. This free live yoga event for CHNC & CHNIG members will be hosted by CHNC’s Great Big News newsletter's Self-Care Corner with Tiffany. Tiffany will guide you through a gentle mobility flow to help you release and reset. It is for all levels. Beginners are welcome. You only need space to do this on (no mat required but recommended).

All participants are required to read, fill, and sign the following waiver: by May 10th, 2022. Once we have received your completed and signed waiver, we will provide you with a confirmation email with the Zoom registration link. If you have any questions, please reach out to or for Ontario/CHNIG members.

Thank you, and we hope you will enjoy this event!


Save the Date: CHNC Annual Meeting of Members | Call for Resolutions
Published on Monday, 25 April, 2022

Save the Date!  CHNC will hold its 2022 Annual Meeting of Members on Wednesday, June 22, 2022 at 7:00PM Eastern. Registration and associated meeting documentation will be available shortly.  

Call for Resolutions

Please submit any resolutions for consideration at the Annual Meeting of Members on or before May 11, 2022 at 11:59pm Eastern Time to the Governance Standing Committee at For Resolution Guidelines click here.
Stay tuned for further details -- and don't forget to register for CHNC2022: Community Health Nurses...Responsive, Reflective, Resilient, our national community health conference, taking place June 8-10, 2022, entirely online! Check out the full conference program!
We look forward to 'seeing' you soon!

CHNC Webinar Series: In Our Stories We Find Our Answers
Published on Thursday, 21 April, 2022

Community Health Nurses of Canada Webinar Series

The purpose of the one hour webinars is to advance community health nursing practice in Canada, provide an opportunity for CHNs to network being that the National Conference was postponed in 2020 and 2021, increase the profile of the innovative, evidence-based, adaptable work that CHNs are doing in Canada during the enduring pandemic, and provide a lead up to the entirely virtual National CHNC Conference in June 2022 (registration now open!). Presenters will have the opportunity to share their work followed by time for questions. The webinars will be recorded and posted on YouTube for those who are unable to attend but would like the information. There is no charge to attend the sessions.

Please join us for our next webinar:

In Our Stories We Find Our Answers: Living our Standards and Competencies in Real Time

The CHNC Standards and Competencies inform the practice of CHN to meet the goal of creating a health Canada. You are invited to join the CHNC Standards and Competency Committee to share and reflect on the resources available to guide CHN Practice across the variety of practice settings for CHN. Lessons learned and reflection on the impact of living the standards during the challenging pandemic context will be shared. The goal of this webinar is to provide a "coming home” to the foundations of CHN work and sharing stories from CHN practice to share the learning and reflect on our practice. We want to share and give a voice to the innovation, flexibility and resilience of community health nurses. Presented by: CHNC Standard and Competencies Committee:

- Karen Curry RN, MN CHNC(C)
- Cheryl van Daalen-Smith RN, PhD, CCHN(C), CCNE
- Patricia King RN, BN, MN
- Lori Boen, RN, CCHN(C), CCCI, LNC

Thursday, April 28, 2022 | 3:00pm-4:00pm Eastern

Community Health Nursing Certification
Published on Wednesday, 23 March, 2022

Dear CHNC Member,

The Community Health Nurses of Canada (CHNC) encourages and supports the certification for Community Health Nurses.

Your membership to The Community Health Nurse of Canada provides you with support, webinars and an opportunity for a bursary. Check out our website link:

The Canadian Nurse Association (CNA) offers a Certification program for 22 specialities, including Community Health Nurse.

Certified nurses are…

  • Recognized nationally for their practice excellence and commitment to lifelong learning
  • Valued by employers, because their certification demonstrates specialized knowledge and brings many benefits to organizations
  • Viewed as having enhanced professional credibility
There are study groups available and resources to help you prepare for the certification exam. 
It is a good time to be thinking about and plan for application. You will need a CNA account and can log on for updates there as well. Please see the attached poster for details about the application deadlines. 

Please also see their certification poster.  
If you require additional information, feel free to reach out to our Certification Committee Chair -
Vanessa House @

CHNC Webinar Series: Update on the New PHN Postgraduate Certificate Program
Published on Monday, 14 March, 2022

The purpose of the one hour webinars is to advance community health nursing practice in Canada, provide an opportunity for CHNs to network being that the National Conference was postponed in 2020 and 2021, increase the profile of the innovative, evidence-based, adaptable work that CHNs are doing in Canada during the enduring pandemic, and provide a lead up to the entirely virtual National CHNC Conference in June 2022 (registration now open!). Presenters will have the opportunity to share their work followed by time for questions. The webinars will be recorded and posted on YouTube for those who are unable to attend but would like the information. There is no charge to attend the sessions.
Please join us for our next webinar:

Update on the PHN Postgraduate Certificate Program
Ruth Schofield, RN, MSc(T)
Assistant Clinical Professor
McMaster University
Thursday, March 24, 2022 | 3:00pm-4:00pm Eastern

Keynote Speaker Announcement: Deva-Marie Beck, Nightingale Initiative for Global Health
Published on Monday, 28 February, 2022

The Community Health Nurses are honoured to welcome as a keynote speaker at CHNC2022: Community Health Nurses....Responsive, Reflective, Resilient:

Deva-Marie Beck
International Co-Director
Nightingale Initiative for Global Health

Don't miss your chance to participate in CHNC2022!
The CHNC2022 conference theme acknowledges that Community Health Nurses have been at the heart of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, while continuing to ensure that other health needs of Canadians in their communities were also addressed. The past two years have generated an ongoing need to be reflective about nursing practice, determinants of health, Truth and Reconciliation, and more. As time moves forward, the need to be resilient draws upon nurses’ ability to regroup, recharge and reconnect with partners and colleagues.

Our conference brings together individuals who have an interest in Community Health Nursing from practice, research, administration, policy and education. Networking opportunities offer a forum to explore issues of mutual concern as well as exchange knowledge, share evidence and ideas, and generate solutions.

Abstracts are due by March 4, 2022. (Were you accepted to present at CHNC2020? You should have received an update message from CHNC with instructions for proceeding; if not, please be in touch -- you may not need to submit your abstract again)

Keynote Speaker Announcement: Claire Betker, NCCDH
Published on Thursday, 17 February, 2022

The Community Health Nurses are honoured to welcome as a keynote speaker at CHNC2022: Community Health Nurses....Responsive, Reflective, Resilient:

Claire Betker
Scientific Director
National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health

Don't miss your chance to participate in CHNC2022!
The CHNC2022 conference theme acknowledges that Community Health Nurses have been at the heart of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, while continuing to ensure that other health needs of Canadians in their communities were also addressed. The past two years have generated an ongoing need to be reflective about nursing practice, determinants of health, Truth and Reconciliation, and more. As time moves forward, the need to be resilient draws upon nurses’ ability to regroup, recharge and reconnect with partners and colleagues.

Our conference brings together individuals who have an interest in Community Health Nursing from practice, research, administration, policy and education. Networking opportunities offer a forum to explore issues of mutual concern as well as exchange knowledge, share evidence and ideas, and generate solutions.

Abstracts are due by March 4, 2022. (Were you accepted to present at CHNC2020? You should have received an update message from CHNC with instructions for proceeding; if not, please be in touch -- you may not need to submit your abstract again)

Launching the CHNC Webinar Series: COVID-19 and Inequities: Amplifying CHN Impact Through Social Justice Approaches
Published on Thursday, 10 February, 2022

The Community Health Nurses of Canada is excited to launch a new webinar series!
The purpose of the one hour webinars is to advance community health nursing practice in Canada, provide an opportunity for CHNs to network being that the National Conference was postponed in 2020 and 2021, increase the profile of the innovative, evidence-based, adaptable work that CHNs are doing in Canada during the enduring pandemic, and provide a lead up to the entirely virtual National CHNC Conference in June 2022 (don't forget to submit your abstracts!). Presenters will have the opportunity to share their work followed by time for questions. The webinars will be recorded and posted on YouTube for those who are unable to attend but would like the information. There is no charge to attend the sessions.
Please join us for our inaugural webinar:

COVID-19 and Inequities: Amplifying CHN Impact Through Social Justice Approaches 
Aliyah Dosani, RN BN MPH PhD, CHNC Award of Merit 2021
Professor, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Mount Royal University, Adjunct Associate Professor
Department of Community Health Sciences, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary
Tuesday, February 22, 2022 | 3:00pm-4:00pm Eastern

Call for Abstracts! CHNC2022 Virtual Conference
Published on Wednesday, 26 January, 2022

Call for Abstracts

Community Health Nurses:
Responsive, Reflective, Resilient

National Community Health Nursing Conference
Community Health Nurses of Canada
June 8-10, 2022 | **Virtual Conference**
The Community Health Nurses of Canada are excited to announce the Call for Abstracts for CHNC2022: Community Health Nurses: Responsive, Reflective, Resilient, our national Community Health Nursing conference.  
CHNC2022 will take place entirely online, June 8-10, 2022.  
Our goal is advancing Community Health Nursing in Canada and you are invited to join a dynamic group of nurses from across Canada who will come together and share their community health knowledge.
The CHNC2022 conference theme acknowledges that Community Health Nurses have been at the heart of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, while continuing to ensure that other health needs of Canadians in their communities were also addressed. The past two years have generated an ongoing need to be reflective about nursing practice, determinants of health, Truth and Reconciliation, and more. As time moves forward, the need to be resilient draws upon nurses’ ability to regroup, recharge and reconnect with partners and colleagues.  

Our conference brings together individuals who have an interest in Community Health Nursing from practice, research, administration, policy and education. Networking opportunities offer a forum to explore issues of mutual concern as well as exchange knowledge, share evidence and ideas, and generate solutions. 
Abstracts are due by March 4, 2022.  (Were you accepted to present at CHNC2020? You should have received an update message from CHNC with instructions for proceeding; if not, please be in touch -- you may not need to submit your abstract again)
For more information, please visit the conference website at

Showcase your company to leaders in community health nursing! CHNC2022 offers opportunities for sponsorship, exhibiting and advertising -- great exposure with no travel costs! For more information, please view our CHNC2022 Prospectus:

Notice of Meeting: Special Meeting of Members
Published on Thursday, 6 January, 2022

NOTICE is hereby given that a Special Meeting of Members of the Community Health Nurses of Canada (the "Association”) will be held at at the hour of 7:00PM (Eastern Time) in the evening of the 27th day of January, 2022, for the following purposes:
  1. Special Resolution: CHNC Financial Review Process
  2. Endorsement of Representatives to the CHNC Board of Directors
The Special Meeting of Members will be held online. Pre-registration is required (please see details below).
Documents for the annual meeting of members are available below.
DATED at the City of Toronto, in the Province of Ontario, this 6th day of January, 2022.
Access Information

The Special Meeting of Members will be held online. To attend the meeting, you must register for the meeting in advance. The registration deadline is 12:00 (Eastern Time) in the afternoon of Thursday, January 27, 2022. 
Once your registration is approved, you will receive a link and further instructions to attend the meeting. 

Please note, you must be able to log into the online platform (computer, smartphone/tablet app) to cast votes at the meeting.
Meeting Documents
Document Name Type Description Categories Status Uploaded By
Members may Login to access these documents.

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