CHNC - National Nurses CHNC - National Nurses

CHNC Professional Development Webinar: Becoming a Vaccine Super Communicator  
Publié surFriday, 27 September, 2024

The Community Health Nurses of Canada is pleased to announce anotherexciting CHNC Professional Development Webinar! 


The webinars will be recorded and posted on the CHNC YouTube site for those who are unable to attend. There is no charge to attend the webinars, and all are welcome to join!  


Title of Webinar: Becoming a Vaccine Super Communicator 


Date: Wednesday, October 9, 2024 

Time: 12-1 pm ET (9-10 am PT; 10-11 am MT; 11 am - 12 pm CT; 1-2 pm AT) 


Register in advance for this meeting: 


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. 


Learning objectives for this webinar: 


  1. Discuss the burden of HPV-related cancers; specifically, head and neck-related cancers in men.  

  1. Understand the effective strategies to address vaccine hesitancy and promote vaccine confidence among various patient populations. 

  1. Describe the importance of storytelling in effective vaccine communication and its impact on vaccine acceptance. 

  1. Identify and apply key principles of vaccine communication, including social identities, acknowledging assumptions and past experiences, and fostering effective conversations about vaccines. 


Presenter Bio: Dr. Erin Courtney 

Dr. Erin Courtney is a Registered Nurse with a Masters in Adult Education and a Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership. She has over twenty years working in public health, including eight years managing an Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Program. Currently, she is a professor in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at Lambton College, as well as an Assistant Professor in the Doctor of Education, Educational Leadership program at Western University. Her research focus is on vaccines and science communication, and she continues to support public health as an author and the lead editor in the first ever Canadian Public Health Nursing textbook, which will be published in 2025.  

This webinar has been generously supported by an unrestricted educational grant from: 

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Home Health Competencies Update
Publié surMonday, 23 September, 2024

Barbara Mildon Community Health Nursing Certification Exam Bursary 2024
Publié surWednesday, 18 September, 2024




This bursary was inaugurated in 2004 to recognize Barb’s leadership in the development of national standards of practice for community health nursing. The standards led to the designation of community health nursing as a specialty by the Canadian Nurses Association and the establishment of a national certification program.



The purpose of the $500.00 bursary is to provide encouragement and support to an individual(s) pursuing certification and to offset the cost of the initial certification examination. One bursary will be made available in each calendar year.


Eligibility Criteria

The recipient must have been a member of CHNC for at least one full year prior to applying for the bursary.

The recipient must have registered with CNA to write the examination and provide proof of registration and payment.

The recipient must have been working in community health nursing for at least three years.


Application Process

1. The recipient is required to submit

        The completed signed and dated application form (Click here to access form)

        A current c.v. or résumé that includes the components outlined in the application form;

        One letter of support for your application related to academic, employment and/or professional involvement (see below);

        A typewritten statement of purpose;

        Proof of registration and payment;

2. Applications are blind reviewed by a sub-committee of the CHNC Board with one applicant selected.

3. Upon receiving proof of certification, CHNC will award the successful applicant $500.00.


Timelines for the 2024 Bursary

        The call for applications will be placed on the CHNC web site and advertised through listservs, etc.

        Applications must be received by midnight EDT on December 31st 2024 .

        The successful recipient will be announced at the 2025 CHNC National conference with funds released after results are confirmed.

        The recipient will be profiled in an issue of the CHNC Great Big News and on the website


Please email completed application to:

Home Health Competency Update
Publié surFriday, 13 September, 2024

MOSIAC September 18th 2024
Publié surFriday, 13 September, 2024

MOSAIC – Wednesday, September 18 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. EDT

Title: Equitable health policy, human rights, and the role of nurses as change agents

Presenter: J. Craig Phillips, RN, PhD (University of Ottawa)

Clicl link below to register!

Interested in helping with maintenance of the Community Health Nursing Certification Exam?
Publié surMonday, 29 July, 2024

In 2024, CNA is embarking on essential maintenance and updates for the Community Health Nursing Certification exam. These activities will encompass currency reviews (i.e., list of competencies, the practice test, and the exam form.) CNA and CHNC firmly believe that collaboration will significantly benefit the nursing community.

CNA has asked CHNC to identify nurses who can participate in the maintenance activities for the Community Health Nursing exam. These nurses will contribute by reviewing questions or competencies, updating content, and ensuring alignment with industry standards.

Continuous Learning (CL) Credit: Participation in this committee can be credited toward the 100 hours of Continuous Learning (CL) required to maintain specialty certification, CHNC (C).


It you are interested in participating in this opportunity, contact us via Facebook messenger or email at info@chnc.caby JULY 26, 2024.

Promoting the rights and health of transgender people as a public health equity priority
Publié surTuesday, 9 July, 2024




Promoting the rights and health of transgender people as a public health equity priority

July 24, 2024 | 1:00 – 2:30 pm ET | English


Public health has a critical role to promote the rights and health of transgender and gender-expansive people. This webinar will explore transgender and nonbinary health equity issues and practical applications to support the Canadian public health field to understand and act on improving health inequities for transgender and nonbinary people.



  • Travis Salway (he/him), Assistant Professor of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University
  • Brittany Jakubiec (they/them), Director of Research, Egale
  • Veronica Merryfield (Ms./she/her), Founder, Cape Breton Transgender Network


Register here:

Promouvoir les droits et la santé des personnes transgenres en tant que priorité en matière d’équité en santé publique
Publié surTuesday, 9 July, 2024




Promoting the rights and health of transgender people as a public health equity priority
(Promouvoir les droits et la santé des personnes transgenres en tant que priorité en matière d’équité en santé publique)

24 juillet 2024 | 13 h – 14 h 30 HE | en anglais 


La santé publique a un rôle de premier plan à jouer dans la promotion des droits et de la santé des personnes transgenres et non binaires. Ce webinaire explorera les questions d’équité en santé pour les personnes transgenres et non binaires et les applications pratiques permettant de soutenir le domaine de la santé publique canadien, afin de comprendre les inégalités en santé dont ces personnes sont victimes et d’agir pour apporter des améliorations.

Conférenciers : 

  • Travis Salway (il/lui), Professeur adjoint en sciences de la santé, Université Simon Fraser
  • Brittany Jakubiec (iel), Directeur·rice de la recherche, Egale
  • Veronica Merryfield (Madame/elle), Fondatrice, Cape Breton Transgender Network


Inscrivez-vous ici (en anglais) :


CHNC 2024 Awards
Publié surWednesday, 26 June, 2024

CHNC is proud to present our 2024 Award recipients!

Join us in congratulating and celebrating these outstanding nurses.


Morag Granger RN BScN CCHN(C) was presented with the Honorary Lifetime Membership Award. This award is presented to an individual for significant lifetime contributions to the advancement of ty Health Nursing and Community Health Nurses of Canada.


Michelle Pothier MN,BN,RN,CCHN(C),CVAA(C) was presented with the Award of Merit. This award is presented to an outstanding nurse for their exemplary visionary contribution to Community Health Nursing.

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