CHNC - National Nurses CHNC - National Nurses

Register for upcoming webinar with Dr. Claire Betker!
Published on Friday, 26 May, 2023

Continuing on with the 2023-2024 CHNC Professional Development Webinar Series, we are pleased to announce the next session. Dr. Claire Betker will speak to us about System transformation: Positive disruption to address the structural and social determinants of health and advance health equity
Date: Thursday, June 15, 2023
Time: 12-1 am EST (9-10 am PT; 10-11 am MT; 11 am - 12 pm CT; 1-2 pm AT)

--> Register here! <--
Share the Poster!

Learning Objectives:
  1. Discuss how health inequities exposed during the pandemic contributed to poor population health outcomes and moral distress in CHNs
  2. Discuss system transformation and opportunities for positive disruption
  3. Explore the distribution of power and its influence on system transformation
  4. Learn approaches, levers and strategies to influence systems to advance health equity
  5. Identify community organizations and partners to work with in system transformation.
Speaker Bio: 
Claire is an RN and the Scientific Director of the National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health (NCCDH). Claire was previously the Executive Director of the Population and Public Health Branch within the Department of Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living. Her career has included roles in rural and urban public health, home health, primary health care, regional health authority and the Public Health Agency of Canada. Claire is a past president of the CNA and of the CHNC. Her Ph.D. work focused on the capacity of public health leadership to advance health equity. Claire brings a wealth of expertise, rich networks and a passion for translating knowledge and evidence,  specially to position public health to advance health equity. 
Webinar is free to attend. Please share across your networks.

CHNC Annual General Meeting
Published on Wednesday, 24 May, 2023

NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of Members of the Community Health Nurses of Canada (the "Association”) will be held at at the hour of 7:00PM (Eastern Time) in the evening on the 14th day of June, 2023, for the following purposes:
  1. To receive the financial statements of the Association for the period ended December 31, 2022 together with the report of the public accountant thereon;
  2. To elect directors to the Board of Directors of the Association;
  3. To appoint a public accountant for engagement review for the Association for the financial year 2023;
  4. To receive reports from the Board of Directors of the Association;
  5. To transact other business as may properly be brought before the meeting.
The 2023 Annual Meeting of Members will be held online. Pre-registration is required (please see details below).
Documents for the annual meeting of members are below.
DATED at the City of Toronto, in the Province of Ontario, this 24th day of May, 2023.
Access Information

The 2023 Annual Meeting of Members will be held online. To attend the meeting, you must register for the meeting in advance. 
Once your registration is approved, you will receive a link and further instructions to attend the meeting. 

Please note, you must be able to log into the online platform (computer, smartphone/tablet app) to cast votes at the meeting.
Meeting Documents
Additional documentation to follow.

Spring Great Big News is here!
Published on Tuesday, 9 May, 2023

The Spring Great Big News is here!
Read about the work that the Featured CHNC does at La Maison Bleue in Quebec, free upcoming webinars (as part of the 2023-2024 CHNC Professional Development Webinar series), CHNC Standards of Practice Infographic, who the Awards of Merit winners are (please hold the date to see the awards conferred at the upcoming Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, June 14, 7pm - 8:30pm EST.), and more!
Happy Nursing Week 2023!

Call for Nominations to CHNC Board of Directors
Published on Wednesday, 12 April, 2023

Call for Nominations to CHNC Board of Directors
Community Health Nurses of Canada (CHNC) Nominating Committee is seeking experienced, committed, skilled individuals, who are passionate about community health nursing, as nominees for the CHNC Board of Directors to lead CHNC into the future. The Call for Nominations is for the following Director positions for two-year terms of office beginning at the Annual General Meeting 2023: June 14, 2023.
Executive Position
  •  Communication
Provincial and Territorial Representatives
  • British Columbia
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Nova Scotia
  • Ontario
  • Nunavut
 For more information, please see the Call for Nominations and the Nominations Form.

Research Opportunity: Pandemic Planning for Primary Care
Published on Friday, 12 August, 2022

Dear CHNC members,
A national research project funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) is looking to hear about the experiences of primary care providers. The study is titled "Pandemic Planning for Primary Care: Developing an Integrated Response Framework for Family Physicians, Nurses, and Pharmacists", led by researchers at Memorial University (NL), Dalhousie University (NS), Western University (ON), and Simon Fraser University (BC). Primary care providers play important roles during a pandemic while continuing to provide routine primary care in community-based practices.
While this may not be applicable to all CHNC members, the researchers are asking for your help in disseminating the study's information for recruitment of primary care nurses (including LPNs/RPNs, RNs and NPs) in certain regions across four provinces (NL, NS, ON, BC) to understand the roles they have been fulfilling during the pandemic. More information about the research project and information for the research team can be found here
Thank you.

July's CHNs Stepping Up: Nursing Stories from the Communities
Published on Friday, 22 July, 2022

Dear CHNC Member,
We are happy to share the July CHNC Stepping Up: Nursing Stories from the Communities with you. CHNs Stepping Up is a collection of community nursing stories that showcase the work of community health nurses across Canada. CHNs from coast to coast to coast share how their meaningful practice demonstrate the values of CHNC. This month's new edition features Nicole Chen from Alberta. Click here to read Nicole's story.
Thank you for your ongoing dedication to community health nursing.

Take care,

CHNs Stepping Up: Nursing Stories from the Communities
Published on Friday, 24 June, 2022

Dear CHNC member,

We are delighted to launch a new initiative titled CHNs Stepping Up: Nursing Stories from the Communities. These stories will showcase the work of community health nurses across the country.  In congruence with the 3R theme of the CHNC2022 Conference, the stories convey the important and meaningful work that the featured CHN does in a responsive, reflective and resilient way. The aim is to launch at least one story a month for the next little while. Our very first Stepping Up article features Benedicte Franquien from Nova Scotia. Click here to read Bene's story.

If you have suggestions for CHNC members to be featured, particularly those who provide direct client service, please contact We are especially looking for CHNs from MN, NB, PEI, Qu, NWT, Nunavut, and Yukon.

Thank you for your ongoing dedication to community health nursing. Take care.

Reminder: CHNC Awards -- Applications due June 30
Published on Wednesday, 22 June, 2022

Call for Nominations: CHNC Nursing Awards
Do you know a nurse who deserves to be recognized? Nominations are open for CHNC awards; deadline for submission is June 30, 2022.

To access the criteria and details about the nomination process please log-in to the CHNC website and view the award details.

Award of Merit

Each year, the Community Health Nurses of Canada offers an Award of Merit to one outstanding nurse for their exemplary, visionary contribution to community health nursing. To be eligible for this award, the community health nurse must be nominated by a current CHNC member. The nomination must have a minimum of one supporter.

Honorary Lifetime Award

Honorary lifetime membership will be awarded to an individual for significant lifetime contributions to the advancement of Community Health Nursing and Community Health Nurses of Canada.

Barbara Mildon Certification Bursary

The purpose of the $500.00 bursary is to provide encouragement and support to an individual(s) pursuing certification and to offset the cost of the initial certification examination.  Applicants must have been a member of CHNC for one year prior to application.

Notice of Meeting: CHNC Annual Meeting of Members
Published on Wednesday, 22 June, 2022

NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of Members of the Community Health Nurses of Canada (the "Association”) will be held at at the hour of 7:00PM (Eastern Time) in the evening on the 22nd day of June, 2022, for the following purposes:
  1. To receive the financial statements of the Association for the period ended December 31, 2021 together with the report of the public accountant thereon;
  2. To elect directors to the Board of Directors of the Association;
  3. To appoint a public accountant for engagement review for the Association for the financial year 2022;
  4. To receive reports from the Board of Directors of the Association;
  5. To transact other business as may properly be brought before the meeting.
The 2022 Annual Meeting of Members will be held online. Pre-registration is required (please see details below).
Documents for the annual meeting of members are below.
DATED at the City of Toronto, in the Province of Ontario, this 1st day of June, 2022.
Access Information

The 2022 Annual Meeting of Members will be held online. To attend the meeting, you must register for the meeting in advance. The registration deadline is 12:00 (Eastern Time) in the afternoon of Friday, June 1, 2022. 
Once your registration is approved, you will receive a link and further instructions to attend the meeting. 

Please note, you must be able to log into the online platform (computer, smartphone/tablet app) to cast votes at the meeting.
Meeting Documents

CHNC Webinar Series: Health Inequities and Moral Distress Among Community Health Nurses During the Pandemic
Published on Thursday, 5 May, 2022

The purpose of the one hour webinars is to advance community health nursing practice in Canada, provide an opportunity for CHNs to network being that the National Conference was postponed in 2020 and 2021, increase the profile of the innovative, evidence-based, adaptable work that CHNs are doing in Canada during the enduring pandemic, and provide a lead up to the entirely virtual National CHNC Conference in June 2022 (registration now open!). Presenters will have the opportunity to share their work followed by time for questions. The webinars will be recorded and posted on YouTube for those who are unable to attend but would like the information. There is no charge to attend the sessions.

Please join us for our next webinar:

Health Inequities and Moral Distress Among Community Health Nurses During the Pandemic
This is a collaboration of CHNC Leadership Standing Committee, Brandon University, and National Collaborating Centre for the Determinants of Health (NCCDH):

- Ruth Schofield, Co-Principal Investigator (ethics approval)
- Dr. Catherine Baxter (Brandon University and member of the CHNC Leadership Standing Committee) from Brandon University
- Claire Betker (NCCDH and Member of Leadership SC)
- Leadership Standing Committee Members: Francoise Filion, Genevieve Currie, Mary-Ann Taylor, Morag Granger, May Tao, & Patti Gauley
Thursday, May 12, 2022 | 3:00pm-4:00pm Eastern

Register now!

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